/About Eistnaflug-DVD
Eistnaflug is the largest metal festival in Iceland and is renowned for it’s huge local and international line-ups.
The festival has been going from strength to strength, getting bigger and opening it’s arms to other genres that are not necessarily 100% metal/punk/hardcore.
The inclusivity and easygoing-ness of the festival is legendary, and the reason it’s been able to continue unabated within the tiny east coast community of Neskaupstaður for so many years.
To celebrate the big ten year milestone two projects were done at the same time making up the DVD special package:
Disc 1 / 3 - Covers the live performances of the 46 bands playing in the 2014 edition. Selecting 2 songs per band. Totaling 90 songs.
It’s a 7 camera shoot and multi tracked.
Disc 4 - Contains a documentary about the festival named No idiots allowed (the festival slogan). There are a few additional features on this disc.
The package totals 9 hours of entertainment.